Teaching for Mindfulness

You will find all the content for the self-study phase here. Please keep an eye on your time and plan 4-5 hours to work on it.

You don’t have to work through everything. If you already know something or find it uninteresting to you, feel free to leave it out. If you complete the various assignments, you will benefit more from the material.

Let’s dive in!

1. Your task

To profit from this course, I’d like to ask you to plan a lesson for your own teaching and to reflect on the ideas you’ve encountered.

Take a look at the workbook now, so that you can start gathering ideas for your lesson plan as you work through the material.

Download your task for this course here

2. Are my students ready to learn more mindfully?

Before we implement anything in our teaching, it’s worth reflecting on what attitudes and habits our students already have – no one is a blank slate.

How do my students think? The Perry scheme

11 pages, 2 short exercises

This guide will help you analyze how your students think – and help them change their habits.

3. How can I teach so that my students learn more mindfully?

Here are various ideas on teaching for mindfulness. You can go through these materials in any order.

Design materials in a way that creates mindfulness

Help students find motivation

Video, 13 min; Guide, 12 pages; Workbook, 3 tasks

Changing the way you speak, write and design study materials in small ways can help students use the information more mindfully. Find out what I mean in this video.


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Video, 13 min; Guide, 17 pages

Students are often unmotivated or overwhelmed because they practice a lot of self-criticism. Here’s what we as instructors can do about it.


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After watching the video, read our guide in order to dive deeper and get concrete resources you can recommend to students.

Prepare students for a complex world

Assign learning journals

Video, 11 min

The world is becoming increasingly complex – dealing with it requires an openness and flexibility that not all students possess.
How can we encourage our students to deal with ambiguity and complexity in a more relaxed way?


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Guide, 13 pages

Here you will learn why it is a good idea to have students write learning journals (or at least complete smaller reflection tasks) and how exactly to do that.

What is mindfulness? (Theories presented in the kickoff meeting)

Video, 15 min

You’ll find the theory about mindfulness and learning here. We discussed this in the kickoff meeting.


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4. Task: Plan a lesson and reflect

Please finish the task now. Bring your lesson plan and your notes to the final meeting – we’ll use our time together to talk about your plans, thoughts, and questions.

See you soon!